Call for Projects – 2025

The Stone Center on Global Wealth Dynamics organizes a yearly call for proposals aiming at establishing a ‘Research Fund’ providing material support for research projects on inequalities.

This call for projects is open to doctoral students of the Paris School of Economics. These funds are made available to the doctoral students for a period of one year to finance, for example, data collection or costs linked to seminars and conferences (travel, registration, accommodation, etc.).

Support from the Stone Center on Global Wealth Dynamics cannot exceed €5,000.

The jury will pay particular attention to the originality of the projects and their scientific relevance to inequalities studies. The application must be submitted in English on the Framaform dedicated and must include the following documents:

  • A title specifying the project name and the amount requested
  • A brief description of the project and its objectives (maximum 2 pages)
  • An estimated budget

Applications must be submitted via Framafotone : Stone Center on Global Wealth Dynamics - Call for projects ‘PhD Research Fund 2025’ |

For any questions, please contact us at:

The deadline for project submissions is set for March 31 at midnight.